New this week: Broccoli has just started to produce nice heads. This photo is from last year (hence the face without a mask, remember those good ole days...). This broccoli is a gourmet variety called Nutribud with blue/green color and nice tender stems- Eat the stems! This is likely the last week for spring Boc Choy so it is a great week for a nice stirfry (don't forget to top it off with some fresh cilantro)! Also Garlic Scapes are now being harvested. The "scape" is the top part of a hard-neck variety of garlic. We cut it off because it is delicious and this also sends the energy back down into the garlic for good growth. The garlic scape is a gourmet treat like no other. Both broccoli and Garlic scapes will be harvested for several more weeks so if they don't make it into your share this week due to limited availability, don't worry they will come your way soon...
We planted the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melon, zucchini, and cucumber in our fields this week! Yippee for thoughts of fresh juicy tomatoes, grilled zucchini, and cucumber ice water...