This week we planted out small cabbage plants for the Fall and seeded broccoli, head lettuce, boc choi, fennel, and kohlrabi in trays for the Fall as well. It is interesting because we just finished harvesting those same crops from the Spring plantings! The cycle of the Farm is strong! In your share this week, you can continue to enjoy fantastic fresh roots: carrots, beets, onions, Hakurei, and lots of fresh herbs to compliment...
This is a great week to stock up on some extra items because the CSA and Farm Stand will be closed for 2 weeks- July13-26th. CSA will resume the week of July 27th and continue strong through the end of October. Look forward to Peppers, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Zucchini, and Cucumbers after our brief July break.