Farm Happenings at Aspen Moon Farm
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Farm Happenings Week 16, 2020

Posted on September 11th, 2020 by Aspen Moon Farm

Most of the crops survived the recent storm though they took a beating.  Same for the human farmers! ;).  Basil is no longer with us.  Cucumbers may have also said good-bye.  However field tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and raspberries will likely fruit again in this upcoming warm weather.  Our crew spent hours pulling in the entire winter squash harvest which is quite satisfying because now it is safe and snug for the season in the new barn.  Yippee for the new barn!! Butternut, Acorn, Blond Acorn, Spaghetti, Delicata, Buttercup, Stella Blue, Red Kuri, and Pie Pumpkin. 33 pallets in all, which is 26,000 lbs.  We are so grateful to have an insulated food-grade space to properly cure the squash and onions too.  Both need to rest in a dry temperate space out of direct sunlight for some time in order to dry off the stem area- this is called curing and it prepares the squash or onion for better long-term storage.  In some squash, curing also improves the flavor.  We hope you share in our enthusiasm.  You butternut squash my excitement!

Winter squash, roots, lots of hearty greens, and more will carry us strong through the Fall CSA season.  If you haven't joined for the Fall share yet, it is now for sale again.  We had to tweak the schedule some for the Fall CSA share, but we now have a good plan and are looking forward to continueing to serve your table into the colder months.  The Fall share goes Nov-mid Dec, but the shares are limited and may sell out soon.  See your email for details or log in to your Harvie account.