Hey Yall,
If you haven't noticed already, it's potato season. We grow tons and tons and tons of potatoes to last us through the following seasons. That's why we have potatoes almost all year round! You'll probably be seeing potatoes in your bag every week. So if make sure to pay attention to your selections if you're getting overloaded with taters.
It's been an extremely busy season. Not only is this the busiest growing season, with fruits and veggies growing out of our ears but we've been playing on televisions all across the nation! In the past month we have been covered by the AJC, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and 11Alive.
You can catch some of our stories here:
With more publicity we are able to feed so many new families; bringing us close and closer to our mission. #bringfarmsback
And without further adue, here are some new crops coming in soon:
Hope you all have a wonderful week.