Horses are majestic, beautiful animals. Meet Reshone, our 18 years old, Tennessee Walker. He’s been a part of our family for the last 6 years. Although we don’t use him for farm work and we don’t breed horses, he is a great companion and one of the greatest joys here on the farm.
Bright and early every morning as we do our rounds checking and feeding the animals, we see Reshone - his tall, commanding stature, making his presence known right here on the farm. He'll come right up to us, looking for his morning hay and daily muzzle rubs.
Horses are social creatures. Reshone looks forward to our interactions with him daily. When his partner died a few months prior, he really took it to heart. We gave him extra love and support during that tough time. He truly missed her and would exhibit mourning behaviors. But with the support we gave him, he bounced back and is doing very well. We’ll find another mate for Reshone. We're so happy he's apart of our family.

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