Farm Happenings at Big River Farms
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BYOB & CSA Reminders

Posted on June 13th, 2022 by Matt Frank

Thank you for choosing Big River Farms (BRF) and The Food Group as your trusted CSA partner! Our 2022 CSA season starts with your first veggie share delivery this Wednesday, June 15th

All of the food distributed through our CSA is 100% certified organic and non-GMO. We have 17 teams in our farmer education program this year who can choose to sell food for use in our weekly CSA shares based on their individual farm business needs and produce availability. This season, we have 13 farm teams with CSA produce contracts who will be growing and harvesting nutritious veggies just for you every week.

Some friendly CSA reminders and updates:

  • Please bring your own reusable bag to take your veggies home each week and leave the empty grey plastic totes at your drop site location. We've stopped using plastic bag liners in each tote to reduce the amount of plastic we're using at the farm. The empty reusable totes are returned to the farm for cleaning and repacking your CSA share each week. 
  • Pick up one herb pot with your first CSA share - they contain organic parsley, oregano, thyme and sage grown from seed in our greenhouse. Simply keep them watered and fed with sunlight and you'll have fresh herbs all summer long!
  • Only take the share with your name printed on the side.
  • No customizing CSA shares - we've ended our two-year trial of customized CSA shares. However, because Harvie's software system is built around the custom share model, we are unable to remove this language from the weekly delivery reminder emails that you'll be receiving from us throughout the season. Please ignore this customization language.
  • All rescheduled CSA veggie shares must be placed online using your personal Harvie account at least two weeks in advance and cannot be requested over email or phone. Please reach out to your drop site host to inquire about late CSA pick-ups (i.e., outside of regular Wednesday pick-up hours).
  • Fruit shares cannot be rescheduled even though this function exists in Harvie. This is because we source them from outside farm partners who have their own delivery schedules that cannot be changed.

Joining our CSA is one of the most meaningful ways you can directly support local farmers from a variety of diverse backgrounds. I hope you enjoy an abundance of fresh, organic produce from BRF’s BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), female, and New American (refugee and immigrant) beginning farmers. Here's to another abundant season!