Summer is blooming with our favorites right now. We have had a serious flush of tomatoes come in,so you can imagine what our fridges and counter tops look like right now. Salsas, soups, oven roasted tomatoes, giant tomato sandwiches, and soon we'll start canning what we can't use up(we'll be offering classes about canning, details below).The peppers are not far behind, we have islander purple peppers and a top favorite lunch box peppers getting more colorful by the day. While I was walking down the field I spotted some eggplants that are starting to form fruits!
I also wanted to share that at the end of this month we are hosting a a canning 101 for tomatoes. Our friend Robin Wood, owner of The Mercantile Co. The sustainable general store, is a pro-canner and she is offering a hands on learning experience to persevere your harvest bounty. She is also giving our members a special discount if they sign-up!
Click here for the Wednesday class
Click here for the Saturday class
Use the Promo code: CCFMEMBERCLASS
Check out our events on our facebook page for all the details