Farm Happenings at Cane Creek Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 6, 2019

Posted on August 2nd, 2019 by Crystal Pacheco

We can't believe summer shares are almost at an end. Please remember that Auto-renew will take effect on August 5th. 

Our Fall shares will start the week of August 25th, it'll be the same set up as previous seasons. You'll be signed up for a 10 week or bi-weekly 5 week share, receive between 6-8 items of fresh flavorful local produce, grown by us. 

Our goal is to offer winter squashes ( like butternut) , pumpkins, leafy greens, peppers, eggplant and a few other exciting varities to mix it up.

Sign up today, we wouldn't want anyone to miss out on our fall fun!