Farm Happenings at Cane Creek Farm
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Farm Happenings for September 24, 2019

Posted on September 20th, 2019 by Chuck Pugh

We have been busy in our kitchens these past few weeks preserving our harvest, extending the life of our veggies, and just trying new things out. Lynn pickled some spoon tomatoes, Sandy roasted some on a sheet pan with peppers and onions and Eva dehydrated some for later days. Judy shared a miso japanese eggplant recipe that was great and I have been diligently trying to take notes of all these fabulous farm to table tidbits.

The fields are slowly turning green. As we start to take out our colorful summer plants the vibrant greens are getting taller and I am so looking forward to some kale and leafy greens. The change of seasons is in the air and I for one couldn't be more happy to welcome fall back.

Happy weekend everyone! see you all soon
