Farm Happenings at Collective Harvest
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Refer a Friend for $25... Use it to fill your house with *~*~FLOWERS~*~*!!

Posted on June 5th, 2019 by Lisa Merva

Greetings, friends!

We are cruising right through this season-- there are only 7 weeks left!

I have to admit-- I didn't always think that a CSA share would be right for me, but since joining the Collective Harvest team a year ago I have come to LOVE bringing home a share every week-- I wouldn't do it any other way now. I think it's the most effective (and enjoyable!) way to get more veggies into my family's bellies... and everyone knows MORE VEGGIES = BETTER. That beautiful produce sitting in your fridge just beckons you... and I find that I build meals around vegetables instead of the other way around. I'm a busy lady (especially during CSA season), so I usually keep it pretty simple-- olive oil or butter, salt and pepper... then bake, sautée or grill. Simple preparations like this let the unique flavors of each vegetable shine, and it couldn't be any easier. 

Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or family member who has been curious about your weekly produce share? This could be the perfect time to bring them into the Collective Harvest community. It's not too late to join us for the rest of the season... as long as they sign up by Tuesday night, they'll start receiving their share the following week. If you refer a friend and they sign up, YOU BOTH GET $25 IN CREDITS TO USE ON EXTRA PRODUCE OR FUN STUFF LIKE SAUERKRAUT AND FLOWERS! To do this, log in to your account, select "Refer a Friend" from the menu and follow the directions-- you can even share info via email or social media! 

For those of you with an Independent Baking Co. BREAD SHARE, this week you will get to try the Ciabatta! A Neo-classic Italian "slipper" bread... so named because it supposedly looks like a slipper. This bread is crusty on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside, and makes a really good sandwich bread. It’s also perfect for ripping apart in pieces and dipping in fun herb oils.  

FLOWER SHARE folks will start receiving flowers the week of June 16th. We still have a few shares left, so if you would like to add some serious beauty to your home, throw one on! The share includes one bouquet from Front Field Farm each week for the last 6 weeks of the season. To add this share, log in to your account and select "My Farms" from the menu. Then choose "Collective Harvest Sign Up" and "Choose Add-ons." Alternately, email me and I will be happy to add a Flower Share to your membership.

We've been able to expand our flower offerings this year because FRONT FIELD FARM has expanded their farm to include some of the old Full Moon Farm property. I thought you might like to know a little more about that so we asked owner Jacqui Coburn a few questions:

What made you decide to take over this land?

We wanted to grow more flowers and more veggies. We knew the land had been well taken care of and that the soil was fertile and it was located right across the street from our house.

What kind of flowers do you grow?

Mostly annuals. These range from Bachelor Buttons, Bupluerum, Ammi Majus, Ranunculus, Sunflowers, Zinnias, Celosias and many more.

Do you have a favorite amongst them?

This is our first year growing Lisianthus and Ranunculus. No one on the farm could get enough of these 2 stunners. But, I will always love a classic Sunflower.

Do you have a memorable moment on the flower-portion of your farm? 

Not just one, but I do love to see the harvest coming in from the field. When our little white truck pulls up with buckets of blooms, it reminds of when an ice cream truck would drive through the neighborhood. Everyone that is around is drawn to see the harvest and there are lots of ooohs and aaahs!

Let's gather 'round the table and eat!
