Farm Happenings at Collective Harvest
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Food grown right here sure does taste good!

Posted on May 15th, 2019 by Lisa Merva

Is it week 7 already? This season is just flying by. 

We've been getting lots of positive feedback about all the "extras" we have available for the first time this year. To me there's nothing better than sitting down to a meal made of food grown or made right here. For breakfast, how about fresh strawberries from Lazy Willow Farm, eggs from Simple Soul Farm with a little Mulligan (feta style) Cheese from Hobo Cheese Co. and sauteed kale from Front Field Farm. Then toast a slice of multigrain bread from Independent Baking Co., slather it with Banner Butter and Piedmont Provisions Peach Cobbler preserves, and wash it all down with some fresh brewed 1000 Faces Coffee. I appreciate how eating consciously sourced food encourages me to slow down and experience every bite. 

Is there a product that you adore and would like to be able to purchase through Collective Harvest? Please let me know and I'll look into it. I'm having a lot of fun growing our offerings. Also, did you know that although we aren't able to list product info on the Harvie ordering page, our website has descriptions of just about everything we carry. 

Have you tried our multi-colored eggs yet? If so, there's a good chance they came from the kind folks at Simple Soul Farm in Tignall, GA. They are new to farming and this is our first season partnering with them. Farmer Jon Waldorf grew up in Augusta and joined the military at the age of 17. After 18 years of service, he was medically retired in 2017 and found that working with the land was very therapeutic. It quickly became Jon's passion, and in 2018 Jon and his family decided to start the farm. Jon says:

“Farming has made a huge impact on my life, and my family’s life. Not too many years ago, I lived a much different lifestyle and had a lot of anxiety. I lived in constant “stress” mode and was stressing about many things that really didn’t matter when I stepped back and looked at the big picture. When I started getting back to the basics of life, farming and living off the land, I had a restart in life – a healthier reset for me and my family. Our family is much happier and healthier – I have seen a tremendous difference in my health, and my family’s health, from eating food that is naturally grown vs eating foods that have been processed. Farming has also helped our family grow closer together, as it takes hard work to run a farm; we are a team and we accomplish farm tasks together. I loved the military and never thought I could be where I am now; in another career that aligns so much with my first career’s practices; working hard, working together, serving people, providing and protecting. I love what I do and everything that farming entails. I get the privilege of watching the food I am growing from start to finish. It is a really neat experience that is very humbling.”

We are so happy to have Jon and his family in our farming community!

... Let's eat!
