Farm Happenings at Common Roots Urban Farm
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Common Roots Urban Farm CSA Newsletter # 8

Posted on July 30th, 2020 by Terra Dumas

Vacation is awesome! Josh and I took the last week off from the farm and were even able to get out of the city for some much needed rest and relaxation. Each year we always hem and haw about when the best time to do this is and this year was no different. Days before we were to start our vacation it became clear that while we were gone our first harvest of beans, cucumbers, and zucchini would finally be ready for the picking! Without fail, no matter how well we think we've timed things, this always happens! These crops in particular, when they start to come in, come in fast and can practically double in size in just a day or two. They need to be harvested steadily or they get huge and when this happens the seeds also begin to enlarge which can signal to the plant that they can stop growth and the production of  flowers because their work is done. After all, vegetable plant's main job is to reproduce! So the more we pick the fruit, the more they produce. But, we are lucky to have a great neighbor who we enlisted to help us with the harvest while we were gone!

So we went off on vacation and when we were able to return to a cooler full of beautiful beans, cucumbers and zucchini. And the harvest keeps going! Along with these three crops, there are now an abundance of beautiful eggplant hanging from the plants, an array of colorful peppers finally ripening and loads of cherry tomatoes in varying stage of ripeness. This is by far our favorite time of the year. Many of these plants were started as seeds so long ago and to finally see all of the time and care we have put into them give us such a bounty in return brings excitement and reward. We are looking forward to sharing this with you in the coming weeks.


Eat well & enjoy