As a child, I was afforded many opportunities to spend time with my grandmother on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation. She was always so happy to see me and I was always elated to be with her. This time of year, the strawberry patch that she maintained behind her garage would be brimming with fruit. She encouraged me to pick and eat as many as I wished. They were amazing. As I picked and stuffed my face, she would collect some as well to make “strawberry drink”. It was little more than crushed strawberries and water (no sugar added as she was diabetic) but it was so refreshing and she loved to make it for me. My fondness for strawberries has only grown with age. Nowadays, I have my own strawberry patch and when the time is right, I indulge myself with the ruby gems to my heart’s content. It always brings back good memories of grandma and I know she’s smiling watching me get excited about them.
Grandma passed when I was a freshman in college in 2003. Every year since I think back on the time I spent with her and how special it was to have her in my life. Strawberries will always make me think of her and I can taste her love in every bite. I take great pride in growing them and being able to share them with so many people. I hope you enjoy strawberries too! How could you not?
Some Seneca words:
Aksoh:d (pronounced ox-ODE) means grandma
Ojísdödá’shä’ (pronounced oh-jees-donne-das-hat) is the word for strawberry and literally translated means “embers attached”
Eat well and enjoy.