So, we had a limited quantity of potatoes, just enough for everybody to get one good meal of them. Holiday Island got their potatoes on Wednesday, but Berryville has not had theirs yet. I was not able to assign them to one location, so they are available for swapping - please save them for the Berryville customers. Berryville, there should be enough for most everybody to get up to 2 lbs.
So Holiday Island totes will get delivered at 2:30. Berryville will get delivered a little after 3, but Melanie doesn't open up the studio until 4:30 (this may change to earlier when/if schools open back up).
Berryville - to work out an equal amount of deliveries, your season will be extended to a pickup on Aug 24th. You'll also get the first delivery of the fall season on the 31st, so you will not have a week off.
There are peaches available from Vanzant Fruit Farm in Lowell, AR. They are not organic, but can be described as 'conscientious spraying'.
We're doing a lot of harvesting now; and getting the fall garden started.