Somewhere between summer and fall...that is where we are. Those wonderful tomatoes are fading out and those leafy greens are coming in. Winter squashes are starting to come out of the fields and the apples are in their prime. It is an odd time as sometimes those summer veggies hold on a little bit longer and we just don't know what will be coming in.

Back to Farm Happenings at Farmers Fresh
Farm Happenings for September 8, 2020
Posted on September 6th, 2020 by Patricia Gladney-Heatherington
About the farm

Farmers Fresh CSA is run by farmers for farmers. Instead of trying to grow all of our produce on our one farm we tap into the growing capacity of over 50 small farms, ranches, dairies and other small producers from our Georgia and Alabama area. Our goal is to support local partners by providing an alternative market geared towards small/start-up operations, while gathering a wide variety for our CSA members.
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