A little kumquat to throw at COVID-19!
Don't want to demean the severity of what is likely heading our way but if there was ever a good time to be healthy now would be that time. Everything we offer in our CSA boxes will help you be a healthier you so for all the things we don't have control over this is one thing we can do something about.
Given the crazy turn of events we cannot be certain of what will transpire over the next few weeks. We feel that we are prepared as much as we can given the unknowns and will strive to continue to safely provide your CSA boxes to the best of our ability. Our staff here is small (and currently healthy) and there is a minimum of traffice at our farm. Since we do work with other small farms and the nature of this virus we do suggest that you wash your produce throroughly just to be sure. We will be sure to notify you if any issues arise on any of our farms.
Many of you have opted for home delivery which is the best option to keep your travel to a minimum. Just a reminder that Harvie offers the option of changing your delivery site on your profile if you need to at anytime. If you are having problems please contact us and we will help work it out.
To take your mind to more pleasant and tasty topics -- check out all the ways to enjoy this week's Georgia grown kumquats - https://www.wikihow.com/Eat-a-Kumquat .