Farm Happenings at Garden of Eve Organic Farm
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Auto-Renew for Winter Shares! News October 31, 2018

Posted on October 26th, 2018 by Eve Kaplan-Walbrecht

Happy Halloween! Brr the cold weather is finally here! We will need to know if you will be joining us for Garden of Eve fresh produce through the winter months! This is the 3rd to last week of the summer/fall share, with the Winter Share starting the week of November 29.  

Winter Share will be picked up on Thursdays at Bayport, Roslyn, Mt Sinai, and we have confirmed a great new Stony Brook location! Thursday Pick ups are Nov 29, Dec 13, 2018, Jan 10, 2019, Feb 7, Mar 7, April 11, May 2.    

At the farm, pick up will be Friday nights starting at 5pm and all day Sat and Sun, it’s self-service. Saturday Dates are Dec 1, 2018, Dec 15, 2018, January 12, 2019, February 9, March 9, April 13, May 4.  

All our NYC locations will pick up on Saturdays or Sundays, you can check the website for details if you or anyone else is interested.  

As with the summer shares, you will be able to place shares on hold or switch locations as needed, and customize your boxes.

   An auto-renew has been set up through Harvie for Monday, November 12 as a convenience to you to hold your spot in the share and to help us know how many shares are available to sell to the public.  Current CSA members will always receive future CSA shares before offering them to the rest of the community.  

If you have a vegetable share in summer/fall, you will get a "full diet" share for winter. All the other shares (except flowers) continue the same into winter. Of course you can change this configuration in your dashboard. 

By default, your account is already set to auto-renew for the winter using the payment plan (not paid in full), so we do suggest going in and double checking that this designation is correct.

If you want to opt out of the auto-renew or change your payment schedule, log into your Harvie account, click “My Profile” and then “Edit Profile”.  Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see a check box to allow auto-renew, along with the payment options (pay in full or payment plan).

Please make your selection to auto-renew or not by Sunday, November 11 so we know if we should hold your spot in the share!  

And of course, any and all feedback about the program, the online system, your pick up locations, or produce you have received is welcome! Let us know what you love and what you don’t so we can continue to make this into the best program it can be for you, our awesome members!  

WINTER CSA SHARE TYPES:  “Full Diet” WINTER SHARE includes produce and eggs grown at Garden of Eve. $385 ($55/pick up/7 pick ups).  

“Personal/Vegan” WINTER SHARE will include Garden of Eve vegetables but no eggs. $210 ($30/pick up)

“GREENS ONLY” WINTER SHARE will include approx. 6-7 bunches/bags of seasonal greens each pick up, from the freezing, windswept winter fields and the warm(ish) Cold Frames.$140 ($20/pick up)

EGG Shares:  Available as a stand-alone item without the vegetable winter share. Receive one dozen eggs each pick up, for each of 7 pick ups, for $45 (i.e. $6.50/dozen for 7 pickups).

MEAT share will include grassfed, hormone-free beef, pork, lamb, whole Garden of Eve-raised antibiotic-free chickens, Long Island Duckling. (pork-free shares available) $350 ($50/ea for 7 pick ups)

PLANT Shares:  A one-time pick up on May 4 (May 5 for Sunday sites). New! select among any of the 50 varieties of certified organic potted herb and vegetable plants, 4 plants for $16 ($4 each includes sales tax), order any multiple to get as many plants as you need for spring!      

Winter Fruit Share includes 2-3 lbs non-organic Long Island apples every month, as well as 1-2 items of the following: apple cider and other fruit juices, frozen berries (organic), organic Florida oranges, tangerines and grapefruit Jan-March. $105 per share ($15 per pick up)   ·       

Cheese & Dairy share includes NYS produced organic yogurt, and Long-Island, NYS and VT farmstead cheeses of all kinds, usually 3 different items per month. Cheese & Dairy share is $140 ($20/pick up x 7).           

Bread Share: one large loaf of bread each month, all delicious, locally made, probiotic and crusty. Includes breads such as Multigrain, Sourdough, Rye, and Beer Bread. $45 ($6.43/pick up x 7)  

BEER Share: one “growler” (half a gallon, 4-5 pint glasses) of craft beer from Garden of Eve Farm Brewery, made right here on the farm by Farmer Chris and his Bro’s, using NYS and farm-grown ingredients. A different beer every month such as American Pale Ale, India Pale Ale, Stout, Pilsner, Hard Cider and more. $170 for 7 growlers, 1 each pick up ($24 per)