Sound the alarms - tomatoes are here! We're so excited to share them with you this week! Also, we have reopened sign ups for the Fall CSA! The Fall CSA runs from September 18th - December 18th with small and large shares, egg shares and apple shares as the fruit add on. We'll still have tomatoes, peppers, okra, and other summer crops for the first few weeks of Fall CSA. Then we'll transition in to sweet potatoes, potatoes, winter squash, salad mix, root vegetables and cooking greens. Current summer members have exclusive access to sign ups until Sunday August 3rd when we'll reopen to the public, so sign up today! Sign up here.
We had another busy week but we had some extra help. This past Thursday we hired the crew from our friend's farm to help with our first big potato harvest of the year and it was awesome! We harvested over 3,000 pounds of potatoes and we're so excited to have them ready to go out in to the world. We've also been weeding our summer crops so that they have long, happy lives well into the fall.
Our big crew on Thursday!
A few of the potatoes we harvested!
Thanks everyone!!