Farm Happenings at Happiness By The Acre
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Locally Yours from Happiness By The Acre, July 05, 2020

Posted on July 5th, 2020 by Marcus Riedner

Thunderstorms & Weasels

As I write this a big storm is forming just to the west of us, looking ready to drop some wind and rain in the next hour or so. We have moved into that time of the year where the slow steady days or rain are instead intense bursts of lightning and downpours. As someone who loves storms, it is a great time of year for Marcus. Not so much for the kiddos.

In the sad news department we had a nasty predator attack this week, which lost us 20 of our lovely laying hens. We are pretty sure it is something in the weasel family. We still have enough eggs for our customers, but it means we will be unable to fulfill many of our wholesale and cooperative orders until our new hens come into laying. We held a small prayer over the birds, buried them, and our farm hand is going to burn some tobacco over them.

Quiche, Jelly, Salad

We still have lots of duck quiche, chive jelly, and salad shares. Get them while you can!

Locally Yours,

Marcus, Sarah, Samuel, Boaz