Our field of sunflowers is getting ready to bloom, we are about two weeks away from blossoms opening up. Once they do we will shoot a post out on socials and you can come on by to take a photo. Sadly they weren't ready for Open Farm Days on the weekend.
We have lots of room in our egg CSA, so if you are wanting eggs each week you can add it on to your harvest and we bring them to you. Otherwise we have them at our farm store, at the Cochrane Farmers Market, and on our city house deck in Silver Springs (DM us for location). We are doing an egg CSA for the entire winter as well, so if you are looking to get some eggs regularly all year long do sign up. Pickup will be in Silver Springs. For our customers in the Didsbury and Carstairs area we will have our farm store stocked with eggs all the time, as well as cold storage veggies until we run out. The gate will be open and road ploughed so you can get your eggs any time.