New Webstore & Website Launching
Happy "It is no longer -47C with windchill" day! That cold snap was deep and felt like ages even though it was only a few weeks. We hope you all made it through in good shape. We will be launching our new web store next Monday, as well as our new updated website. For the moment we will continue to use your Harvie account to track your subscriptions, but we will be moving over to the new platform with everyone starting in April.
We are aiming for a smooth transition, but know that when ever a business changes technology platforms there are unforeseen issues to tackle. In advance we want to thank you for your patience in the change over.
We will send out an email on Monday to let everyone know about the full details on where to go and how things will work.
In the meantime, stay warm and enjoy the lengthening days, spring is around the corner.
Locally Yours,
Marcus, Sarah, Samuel, Boaz