Happy Lunar New Year!
We hope everyone has enjoyed this break in the cold. I know our hens sure have, they are finally going back outside to chase about in the outdoor run. The warm weather has allowed us to clean out the first half of the winter's deep bedding in their roosting coop in the barn as well, half of it we composted, half we are spreading around in the run to give the grass a jump start in the spring. It's a bit of doing, but the deep bedding system makes for some amazing compost and happy hens.
Speaking of happy hens, we are excited to announce our first ever Meat Bird CSA! It is up on our website now, just log into Harvie and you can add pasture based chicken options! How it works is similar to our egg program. You sign up, pick the delivery date, and the size and number of chickens you want to pre-order. We will raise them, process them, freeze them, and then you can pick them up at your pickup location. Easy peasy!
We are limiting the number we are doing this year, as this is our first run with meat birds, so if you are looking to get pasture raised chicken sign up sooner than later.
Locally Yours,
Marcus, Sarah, Sam, Boaz