Farm Happenings at Harvest Tide Organics
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Share Deliveries Begin Next Week!

Posted on June 6th, 2019 by Bethany Allen

Hello Members!

Welcome to your first pre-delivery email!  We've had a wet, cold, cold spring so far this year (have you noticed?) We still have some nights in 40s headed our way!  But milder weather is coming and we are ready.  Wet weather makes it hard for us to till and prepare the fields for planting as moving tractors, equipment, and even people over wet ground compacts the soil and reduces soil health.  And even if we've had a dry spell to get items planted, the continued wet weather makes it difficult to cultivate and keep weeds down.  Nevertheless, we are mostly caught up, and seem to be pulling out of the gross rainy weather pattern and into a little more sunshine.  This weekend looks wonderful, and finally appropriate for the coming season!  Hip hip hooray for the coming summer!  

Some special veggies in this week's share:

Featured in most shares this week is a succulent stir fry mix of greens, perfect for chopping into a robust and very mildly spicy salad or tossing in a saute oh so quickly with some noodles and soy sauce for a quick early summer stir fry.  What makes something a "stir fry mix," you ask?  The greens in it are mostly Asian mustards and choys - they have thicker stems and slightly heavier leaves which lend themselves to cooking if you chose.  A big part of this mix is choy sum, which is a Chinese broccoli.  Like broccolini it has very sweet stems and a cute little flower at the end which add some heft and broccoli flavor to the cooking.  Look for purple leaves and flowers to identify this tasty mix in your share!

Also big in the shares this week- bok choy and tatsoi, too other Asian greens that are delicious in soups and stir fries.  They are also wonderful roasted - the roasting caramelizes the stems and makes the leaves crunchy like kale chips.  Here is my favorite go too recipe when I'm tired of stir fries and salads but I've got bok choy and tatsoi lying around.  Bok choy is a lighter green and has spoon shaped leaves that come together in a head.  Tatsoi looks like a bunch of spinach, but with a nutty flavor - it makes and excellent crunchy salad!

BEETS!  These yellow and/or candy cane beets are storage ones from last fall!  They have held up marvelously! As have the sweet potatoes and now are gracing our early summer shares with some awesome goods beyond just greens!

Read on for some tips and info about the coming week!


  • This email lets you know what is coming in your box next week - and you can change it if you want!  Click on the link in this email to swap items in your box.   Here's a video explaining how to swap items
  • You have until Sunday at noon to adjust your box.  Then we go into harvest and planning mode, and the window is closed.
  • If you are on our payment plan, your second 25% deposit will be charged when the window closes and your box is confirmed.
  • Your box will be delivered to your office or other location by the approximate time indicated, there may be some shifts and the first week will be a little wonky as we work out the kinks, but we'll communicate any changes to you.
  • If you are picking up at a public site, we'll email you directions for pick-up soon!

Looking forward to meeting new customers and seeing old ones!