Hi everyone! So sorry that I haven't sent these listings out earlier. We had a crazy weekend on the farm. For the past couple days we have been hosting Gabriel and Kim from Foggy Mountain Pasta. They are artisanal pasta makers up in Loudon County and we have been sharing ideas for how we can cooperate. They are passionate about ethical sourcing of all the ingredients in their pastas so we will be growing their wheat and some funky heirloom grains! We are so excited for this collaboration and to offer incredible dried pastas to you guys fairly soon! I am extending the customization period to Wednesday at 6pm since I am late getting this posted. please let me know if you have any questions or need help getting your boxes exactly how you want this. I think this week is going to be a great week for going above and beyond that $40 minimum, we have some amazing veg and fruit being offered for the first time this season.

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Farm Happenings for June 30, 2022
Posted on June 25th, 2022 by Jessica Linton
About the farm

Welcome to Meadow Wood Farm! This year we are so excited to be offering our customers in Falls Church/Arlington and Midloathian/Richmond the highest quality and variety of food the Shenandoah Valley can produce. COVID-19 has limited our lives in so many ways and we hope to be one avenue where there are more safe choices. With food supply chains being so affected by the pandemic, we hope to connect you all with nutritious, sustainably grown food and the farms around us with customers who are passionate about eating well. To do that we will be partnering with our friends and fellow farmers to fulfill as many food groups as we can.
Think of your Meadow Wood Farm box as two weeks worth of your grocery shopping. But now you can choose the healthiest food and it is all delivered right to your doorstep. Safety, quality, and convenience all in one.
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Think of your Meadow Wood Farm box as two weeks worth of your grocery shopping. But now you can choose the healthiest food and it is all delivered right to your doorstep. Safety, quality, and convenience all in one.