We have reached our sixth, and final, week of the spring share! This is the first season that we have offered a spring share and I have been pleased with all of the greens we've been able to add to your boxes. Like every season, I leave with a long list of things I want to try to improve on next year. If you're curious, the things on that list are: earlier peas and beets in the tunnels, more arugula, lots more green garlic, and experiment with some other less common asian greens.
For those members who are done after the spring share, thanks for your support! I look forward to seeing you again next year. For the rest of you who are continuing on with the summer share, we will take the week of June 29th OFF and then the summer share starts the week of July 6th. In the first couple of weeks of the summer share you can expect veggies such as zucchini, cucumbers, peas, beans, beets, carrots, and more. Plus a variety of lettuce and bunching greens to round out the mix.
This week, though, brings the start of snap peas! These peas are meant to be eaten pod and all and most people gobble them up raw but they are also nice lightly sauteed until just bright green. Enjoy!
I've had many questions lately about rescheduling shares / taking a vacation week so I have included a link here for you to review. The abbreviated explanation is that you can reschedule a share to take a vacation on one week and then receive a double on another week of your choosing. The key is that these must be taken within the same season. So you cannot take a vacation day in the summer season and then double up in the fall. The link I provided above with walk you through the steps of rescheduling a share.
Greens Add-On: Collard Greens
Lettuce Add-On: Salad Mix