We have arrived at the last week of the summer shares! For those that are continuing on with the fall, we take the week of September 20th off and the fall shares start the week of September 27th. Many of our fall crops look fantastic so I anticipate a great selection of fall veggies to share.
On Tuesday evening, we had a short, but intense, thunderstorm complete with hail. Unlike some farms just north of us that lost pretty much every crop still in the field to the hail, most of our crops sustained minimal damage. The worst hit was our mature salad mix. Some will be unharvestable but most should be able to be used. You may notice the leaves are a bit more ragged shaped than normal and I'd recommend eating within 4 days or so as the damage may affect shelf life. Some of the winter squash still in the field has minor bruising on the skin but I don't think this will affect them in the short term but may affect long term storage. The biggest casualty was my sunflower plantings. They were all tall and beautiful and in peak bloom, which makes them very top heavy. With the heavy winds, rain, and hail it broke many of the sunflowers at the base. Luckily I grow these flowers for their beauty and for the bees and not to sell!