Howdy All!
This week's focus is on harvesting and drying our onion crop for the year. We planted over 8,000 onions with a 50/50 mix of Red Creole and Texas Legend sweet onions. As you have probably noticed, we have been including them in the CSA for a few weeks now. These are the final weeks of our winter and spring greens. We will making room for even more varieties of summer crops as we clear out beds of greens. Sweet potatoes slips should be arriving any day now for planting. I am also happy to say that our watermelons and winter squash seeds did not get washed out with the recent rain and have started to germinate. Our green beans have put on flowers and I can see the makings of tiny green beans starting to grow. It won't be long! Our kennebec potatoes are looking very strong as they finish up their final stage in the growing process. All in all, we are on track to have a great May of CSA shares!
Thanks for your support of local agriculture!