Farm Happenings at The Farm at Millican Reserve
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Farm Happenings for May 15, 2021

Posted on May 12th, 2021 by Alexander Admin

Howdy All!

We are excited to start digging into some of our potato beds this week. New potatoes to be exact! This means they are fresh out of the ground and not cured for longer storage. New potatoes may be my favorite vegetable of the Spring. Combine them with our carrots, sweet onions, and celery for a delicious stew or roast. Spring is not quite over and we still have a couple more cooler weather crops to look forward to before shifting into our summer garden harvests.

We are coming close to our Farm Year on Harvie. Each of you will receive an email from Harvie letting you know that you have been rescheduled for renewal to start our new "year". Most farms north of here have specific seasons. Here in Texas we can grow year-round. The renewal is more of a formality and you should not have to do anything to continue receiving your share. This is our first year to transition while using Harvie so I anticipate a hiccup or two. If for whatever reason you have a technical problem, please contact Harvie through their Helpdesk. If you have a specific farm related question or issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.

As always, thank you for your support and I look forward to another year of growing fresh veggies for everyone!
