Farm Happenings at The Farm at Millican Reserve
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Farm Happenings for April 13, 2022

Posted on April 12th, 2022 by Alexander Admin

Howdy All!

The farm team at Millican Reserve is excited to partner with Living Well to provide you with our farm fresh vegetables! 

 This is a reminder that you have signed up to receive your Veggie Share on Wednesday April 13th at the Farm at Millican Reserve between 11am-7pm.


The address to our Farmhouse is 4349 High Prairie Road (USE GOOGLE MAPS, Apple Maps takes you to the wrong address). I will have signs set out for you to follow. When you enter the property from Wellborn Road (FM 2154), take the first available left hand turn after the cattle guards. Follow the short dirt road to the white farmhouse. Walk between the house and the small garage. Our walk-in cooler is through the door on the backend of the garage. 

The pick up is self-serve in the cooler. I will have a sign off sheet inside on the table. PLEASE sign next to your name so that we can receive credit for your share. 

Please pass on the information to someone who would enjoy our veggie share if you are unable to pick up. The veggies will be harvested so we cannot cancel an order and we do not want to waste our vegetables. Just have the person sign next to your name on the sheet. 

Your CSA shares will be prepackaged on the table inside the walk-in cooler. 

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask. 

Thank you for your support of local agriculture!




Farmer Kenny and Farmer Bethany