Greetings from Farmer Sean!
We hope you have been enjoying your shares so far. We farmers are happy to be over the peak of the season's activities. The farm fields are nearly filled. Seedlings of our fall beets, carrots, broccolis, cauliflower, and kale are off to a healthy start with all this recent rain, the peppers eggplants and tomatoes are beginning to ripen, and we got our garlic crop all harvested and hung to cure while the weather was still dry! Winter Squash and Pumpkins will be getting their final weeding this week before the big plants vine out into an inaccessible jungle. Soon we will be doing our next big harvesting project of pulling the storage onions crop.
Stay tuned for the Shuck You, Too! BBQ! Sunday August 5th, our 2nd annual celebration of local shellfish, tasty veggie burgers, hamburgers and hot dogs, and our sweet corn crop!