Farm Happenings at Urban Teaching Farm
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strawberries and starting your own garden!

Posted on April 24th, 2020 by Lilly Emendy

Spring is truly here! The strawberries are big, bright and beautiful this week and they are just pouring in! If you’re a fan, make sure to set your preferences accordingly and we will do our best to get some to everyone.

I know many of us are thinking more and more about how we can grow food for ourselves and our neighbors. For me farming and gardening is so much more than a job or a way to have access to food, it’s a mindset of abundance and a lifestyle that strengthens by body and my mental health. Being outside, trying new things, critically thinking and problem-solving, interacting with life and death, being patient and observant and gentle are all a part of my daily life as a farmer. And with our daily lives so disrupted and the collective trauma we are all experiencing, we must allow ourselves and encourage ourselves to prioritize our mental health as well as our physical health. For me and I know for many of you, that means getting outside when you can.

So maybe you want to start a garden?  Start one because you want to have food growing in your front yard, start a garden because you want the practice of going outside and observing nature on a daily basis, start a garden because you desperately need another activity for your kids, or start a garden because it’s innately an act of hope. 

whatever your reasons, this week we have some tomatoes and flower starts for sale, and in coming weeks we will have lettuce and bok choy and basil and many more. If you are having trouble accessing seeds (many companies are overwhelmed with orders and have paused online sales) reach out, we likely have extra to share! And if you have questions about how to get started or how to troubleshoot, don’t hesitate to email us! We love sharing what we’ve learned and helping others grow!


In peace,
