Firmly Rooted Farm
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About us

Firmly Rooted Farm is a small scale family vegetable farm located in Belgrave, Ontario. We love growing food: we grow organically, producing over 40 crops, on under 4 acres, during all 4 seasons of the year. We love feeding our local community, and only sell within 1 hour of the farm. We believe that to be firmly rooted means to live from the yields of our land, and to help our neighbours do the same. We hope you’ll choose us to be your farmers!

Lettuce Rejoice! September 12, 2024 - Summer Share Week 15

Posted on September 6th 2024 by Tamara McMullen

It’s Week 15 of the Summer Farm Share (only 3 more until the winter share starts, you can sign up here)!     Administrative Details *Please remember to return your cooler bags and clips:)* You are getting this email to let you know it’s time to customize your share, you will have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday Septe1 read more »

Arugula, Baby
Basil, Italian
Beets, Purple, Bunched
Bok Choy, Baby
Cabbage, Green
Melon, small
Carrots, Orange, Bunched
Cauliflower, Large
Chinese Cabbage
Collard Greens
Eggplant, Italian
Green Beans
Peppers, Sweet
Lettuce, Romaine
Kale, Curly
Green Onions
Pea Shoots
Paste Tomatoes
Salad Mix
Peas, Sugar Snap
Tomatoes, Cherry
Tomato, Slicer
Onion, Sweet
Potato, White
Squash, Summer, Green/Yellow
Watermelon, Mini, X Large
Squash, Winter
Garlic Scapes
Salad Greens
Squash, Winter, Acorn
Squash, Kabocha
Sweet Potato
Hakurei Turnip
Squash, Honeynut
Squash, Winter, Delicata
Bell Peppers, Green
Squash, Pumpkin, Pie
Bell Peppers, Colored
Kale Raab
Potatoes, Red
Mesclun Mix, Sweet
Micro Greens, Spicy
Cabbage, Napa
Mustard Greens
Radish, Daikon, Purple
Spicy Salad Greens
Fingerling Potato
Squash, Spaghetti
Turnips, Salad
Squash, Winter, Butternut, Medium
Asian Greens
Garlic, Green
Sunflower Shoots
Greenhouse Tomatoes
Greenhouse Cucumbers
Kale, baby
Endive, Frilly
Brussels Sprouts
Mesclun Mix, Signature
Microgreens, Basil
Microgreens, Cilantro
Basil, Thai
Basil, Purple
Beans, Green
Beans, Yellow
Beets, Purple, Loose
Beets, Chioggia, Bunched
Beets, Heirloom Candy Cane
Beets, Gold, Bunched
Beets, Gold, Loose
Chinese Broccoli
Cabbage, Red
Carrots, Orange, BULK
Carrots, Rainbow, Bunched
Carrots, Rainbow, Loose
Cauliflower, Orange
Cucumbers, Slicing
Radish, Daikon, Green
Eggplant, Asian, long
Kale, Dino
Lettuce, Butterhead
Lettuce, 2 Mini Head
Onion, Red
Onion, White
Peppers, Hot, Jalapeno
Peppers, Hot, Poblano
Peppers, Hot, Shishito
Potato, Red
Radish, Watermelon
Squash, Summer, Yellow
Squash, Summer, Patty Pan
Squash, Winter, Spaghetti
Squash, Winter, Buttercup
Squash, Winter, Hubbard
Turnips, Purple Top
Squash, Pumpkin, Black Futsu
Carrots, Orange, Round, Loose
Carrot, round
Onion, Red, large
Microgreen, radish
Microgreen, broccoli
Microgreen, arugula
Mushroom, Shiitake
Beets, Purple, Loose Large
Spinach, BULK, 1 lbs
Mushroom, Maitake
Seedling, Flower, Nasturtium, Kaleidoscope Mix
Seedling, Flower, Poppy, Falling in Love
Seedling, Flower, Strawflower, Tall Double Mix
Seedling, Herb, Basil, Purple Amethyst
Seedling, Herb, Basil, Rutger's Devotion
Seedling, Herb, Basil, Thai Cardinal
Seedling, Herb, Chives, Common
Seedling, Herb, Cilantro, Leisure
Seedling, Herb, Dill, Teddy
Seedling, Herb, Mint, Chocolate
Seedling, Herb, Mint, Spearmint
Seedling, Herb, Parsley, Curly, Darki
Seedling, Herb, Parsley, Flat, Peione
Seedling, Rosemary
Seedling, Herb, Sage, Extraktra
Seedling, Herb, Sorrel, Red Veined
Seedling, Herb, Stevia, OG
Seedling, Herb, Thyme, German Winter
Seedling, Perennial, Raspberry, bareroot - Yellow, Anne 3 CANES
Seedling, Perennial, Raspberry, bareroot - Red, Nova 3 CANES
Seedling, Perennial, Strawberry, bareroot - Everbearing Albion 10 ROOTS
Seedling, Perennial, Asparagus, Millennium 5 CROWNS
Seedling, Vegetable, Broccoli, Gypsy
Seedling, Vegetable, Broccolini, Atlantis
Seedling, Vegetable, Brussel Sprouts, Gustus
Seedling, Vegetable, Cabbage, Green Cone, Cour Di Bue
Seedling, Vegetable, Cabbage, Red, Ruby Perfection
Seedling, Vegetable, Cabbage, Green, Tiara
Seedling, Vegetable, Cauliflower, Orange, Flame Star
Seedling, Vegetable, Celery, Kelvin
Seedling, Vegetable, Swiss Chard, Rainbow, Improved Rainbow Blend
Seedling, Vegetable, Cucumber, Pickling, Mini, Corentine Hybrid
Seedling, Vegetable, Cucumber, Mini Field, Katrina
Seedling, Vegetable, Eggplant, Asian, Orient Express
Seedling, Vegetable, Eggplant, Italian, Traviata F1
Seedling, Vegetable, Ground Cherry, Goldie
Seedling, Vegetable, Kale, Dinosaur, Black Magic
Seedling, Vegetable, Kale, Curly, Winterbor
Seedling, Vegetable, Lettuce, Butterhead
Seedling, Vegetable, Melon, Canteloupe, Sarah's Choice
Seedling, Vegetable, Onion, Short Storage/Sweet, Ailsa Craig
Seedling, Vegetable, Onion, Storage/Cooking, Cortland F1
Seedling, Vegetable, Onion, Storage/Red, Redwing Organic
Seedling, Vegetable, Peppers, Poblano, Baron
Seedling, Vegetables, Peppers, Italian Roasting, Carmen
Seedling, Vegetable, Pepper, Orange Bell, Gourmet
Seedling, Vegetable, Hot Pepper, Jalapeno, Jedi
Seedling, Vegetable, Pepper, Red Bell, King Crimson
Seedling, Vegetable, Pepper, Shishito
Seedling, Vegetable, Yellow Bell Pepper, Sweet Sunrise
Seedling, Vegetable, Sweet Potato, Covington
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Cherry, Black Cherry
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Cherry, Blush
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Cherry, Siderno
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Cherry, Sun Sugar
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Cherry, Supersweet 100
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Red Slicer, Big Beef
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Red Slicer, Mountain Merit
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Heirloom, Cocktail, Black Beauty
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Heirloom, Black Krim
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Heirloom, Cherokee Purple
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Heirloom, Green Zebra
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Heirloom, Cocktail, Jaune Flamme
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Heirloom, Old German
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Plum, Blue Beech
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Plum, Cippola's Pride
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomato, Plum, Plum Regal
Seedling, Vegetable, Tomatillo, Toma Verde
Carrot, SECONDS 5#
Carrot, SECOND 5#
Carrot, Rainbow, SECOND 5#
Microgreen, basil
Nettle, stinging
Seedlings, Perennial, Strawberry, potted, Hot Pink Berri
Seedling, Flower, Yarrow, Pink
Seedling, Flower, Yarrow, White
Seedling, Flower, Calendula
Seedling, Flower, Beebalm, Lemon
Seedling, Vegetable, Celeriac
Seedling, Flower, Cosmos, Cranberry
Seedling, Flower, Hollyhock, Black
Seedling, Flower, Beebalm
Seedling, Flower, Echinacea
Seedling, vegetable, Tomato, Cherry, Purple Bumblebee
Seedling, Herb, Oregano
Tomato, Heirloom, Cocktail, Pink Boar
Broccoli raab
Seedling, Vegetable, Watermelon, Sugar Baby
Cauliflower, Sprouting
Jumbo Beets, Purple, 3# BULK
Carrots, Orange, 5# BULK
Beets, Purple, 1/2 Bushel
Lettuce,pair of mini romaine
Watermelon, Mini, Small
Watermelon, Mini, Medium
Watermelon, Mini, Medium
Watermelon, Mini, Medium +
Watermelon, Mini, Large
Melon, Cantaloupe, mini
Ground Cherry
Broccoli $4
Broccoli $3
Squash, Winter, Celebration, small
Squash, Winter, Celebration, medium
Squash, Winter, Spaghetti, Large
Squash, Winter, Spaghetti, Medium
Tomato, Roma
Tomato, slicer or roma
Peppers, Hot, Sugar Rush Peach
Ginger, bulk
Squash, Winter, Acorn, Medium
Squash, Winter, Acorn, Small
Chard, baby
Squash, Winter, Butternut,Large
Squash, Winter, Butternut, small
Cabbage, Red, Medium
Cabbage, Red, Large
Chicory, various
Cabbage, Red, Large
Chicory, various
Cabbage, Red, Medium
Sweet potato, 5#
Squash, Winter, Mixed
Cauliflower, Orange, Mini
Garlic, BULK, 1 #
Potato, White, 5#
Carrot, Rainbow, BABY
Squash, Winter,Buttercup, small
Carrot, Rainbow, BABY
Garlic, half pint
Squash, mini, mixed
Cabbage, Green, Small
Cabbage, Green, Large
Parsnip, giants
Cabbage, various, small
Cabbage, Green, Medium
Potato, White - Capella Meadow's Farm
Raab (flowering tatsoi)
Microgreens, Dill
Radish, Daikon, Mixed - BAG
Radish, Daikon, Mixed - SINGLE
Eggs, pullet (mini eggs!)
Sweet Potato, Pfennings Organic
Beets, Purple - Pfennings
Italian Basil seedling
green garlic
Green Garlic
Lettuce, Leaf
Dill flowers
Cucumber, pickling 1/2 bushel
Basil, pesto, BULK
Tomato, 1/2 Bushel, BULK
Hot Peppers Mixed
Iceberg Lettuce
Lunchbox Peppers
Peppers, BULK 10 LBS
Carnival Squash
Mini Butterhead Lettuce
Large Leafed Spinach Bunch
Celebration Squash-2pc
Green Peppers
Grow your own microgreens kits!
1 lb Sweet Mesclun Mix
Bok Choi Raab
Giant Sweet Potato
Bulk Rhubarb
Ginger Seedling
Bee Balm Seedling
Lavender Seedling
Mixed Edible Flowers
Cauliflower, Medium
Purplette Baby Onions
Bulk Summer Squash
Sweet Mixed Peppers
Melon. medium
Melon, large
Cherry tomatoes, bulk
Beans, bulk
Mini Snacking Cucumber
Tomato, slicer, BULK
Peppers, Green/Red, BULK
Beet, BULK
Flower bouquet
Rainbow Carrots BULK
Winter Cozy Roasting Pack
Thanksgiving herb bouquet
Romanesco Broccoli
Lemon Balm
Kale, baby, BULK
Spartan Apple (1st)
Cortland Apple (1st)
Jonagold Apple (2nd)
Signature mix, BULK
Kabocha Squash
Firmly Rooted T-Shirt Small (fits very small)
Firmly Rooted T-Shirt Medium (fits small)
Firmly Rooted Tank Top Small (fits very small)
Firmly Rooted Tank Top Medium (fits small)
Kale, Curly, BULK
Large Leafed Spinach Bunch
5LB Storage Onion
Wreath 2
Wreath 1
Wreath 3
Wreath 5
Wreath 6
Wreath 7
Large Kohl Rabi Bunch
Wreath 8
Grapevine Globe
Garlic, 5#
Cabbage, 2 Large
Radish, Daikon, Purple 5 LBS
Jumbo Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Baby Romaine
Large Kohlrabi
Small Romaine (single)
Little Gem Lettuce
Shelling Peas
Cauliflower, MED
Beans, Green
Garlic Scapes, Bulk
Pickling cucumber, 5 LBS
Pickling Cucumber, 10 LBS
New Potatoes
Baby chard, BULK, 1 lbs
Parisian Baby Carrots
Canteloupe, Medium
Canteloupe, Large
Canteloupe, Large
Canteloupe, small
Beet, Chioggia, Loose
Cantaloupe, Large
Cantaloupe, Medium
Paste Tomato
Swiss Chard