Farm Happenings at A Rocha Farm
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Happy Fall Equinox!

Posted on September 25th, 2021 by Carly Richardson

Happy Fall Equinox!

I am remembering this week why the changing of seasons is one of my favorite experiences in nature. On the farm fall becomes a time when we start to catch our breath. And as we slow down ever so slightly we get to pay a bit closer attention to the world around us. Feeling delight as the days get shorter and so the sunlight sets the world around us aglow in new ways, feeling the cool crispness of the air on our skin making sunshine a welcome friend we no longer have to hide from, and savoring all the flavors of summer mingling into winter as we cook and are nourished by the harvest.


This week we've got some of our best Carrots yet! They are sizing up nice and consistently and the pressure from some of our usual pests haven't been nearly as bad on our current patches so we're hoping this trend continues and quite excited to share these with you. 

We still have tomatoes, Broccolipeppers and eggplants reminding us summer isn't quite over yet! As well as Tadorna leeks, head lettuces, kale, parsley, arugula, beets and red cabbage. This week we will also welcome back the Daikon radish

This weeks winter squash is the Kuri Squash! The variety we have for you is Uchiki Kuri. Kuri Squash is a Japanese squash in the Hubbard family with a red skin and yellow flesh. 

And one last note - don't forget about our Harvest Celebration and the CSA Day Winter Squash Harvest, coming up NEXT SATURDAY OCTOBER 2! If you want to come to join for winter squash harvest (from 9-11:30AM) please sign up here:

If you can't make it for that please do still come out later in the afternoon and join us for the festivities (from 1-4PM), we'd love to meet you or see you again!