Summer heat is here and we are getting a lot of comments along the lines of "how do you guys work in this" ? But honestly, once you do it for a couple days your body really does get used to it. It certainly helps that our house is air conditioned! But it is really good for our heat loving crops like the melons. This week we will be offering local cantaloupes in the boxes!!!
Back to Farm Happenings at Adkins Produce
Farm Happenings for July 15, 2020
Posted on July 10th, 2020 by Ashley Godwin
About the farm

Our farm has been in operation for more than 100 years. In the beginning the sole focus was grain farming and livestock. Over the years the scope of the operation transitioned to add produce. Since 2012 we have focused primarily on produce and plan to expand the operation to include year-round-growing through the use of high tunnel greenhouses in the near future.
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