Welcome to the Against the Grain Farm Stand where you can pre-order for pick up at either Boone Winter Farmer's Market or at the farm for Saturday, May 23rd. If you're reading this in an email, you'll see the items that we have to offer this week below. You can simply click on the yellow button "purchase from the farmstand" to reserve a box, make swaps and add extras to the base box that Harvie will put together for you. If you're reading this in the Harvie platform, navigate over to the "farm stand" to reserve your box.
The ordering period for Saturday pick-up closes at 8pm on Thursday, May 21st.
If you have any questions about your box or the farm stand process, please reach out to Holly directly by email at atgfarm@gmail.com or by phone at 828-406-4439. If you are having any difficulties placing your order or would like to confirm the contents of your box, please reach out to Holly. Her job on the farm is to help trouble shoot and double check orders for Farm Stand Customers. It is part of our mission that the food produced on the farm be easily accessible to members of our community. The Harvie system has proved challenging for many, so please don't feel embarrassed if it's not working well for you. Holly is here to help as best as she can!
In other farm news, the farm welcomed a trio of Highland cattle to the farm last week. These animals serve a very different role on the farm than the small herd of Herefords that the farm raises for beef. For starters, the Herefords are part of a family agricultural heritage for Holly. Her great great grandfather raised Herefords in Ashe County, where her father still raises them today. Herefords are efficient grass converters and produce high yields of excellent quality beef. The Highlands, on the other hand, are one of the farms "heart enterprises." They are not an enterprise that the farm expects to pencil out financially, and instead they help carry forward the Biodynamic impulse on the farm. Farmers and crew members will definitely eat the beef that the animals produce and utilize the manure for the compost, but overall, the herd's presence is what's meaningful.
Until next week, healthy cooking and happy eating!
Much love,
Holly, Andy and the ATG Crew