Farm Happenings at AgriBerry Farm
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Thank you for an easy week last week

Posted on July 17th, 2020 by Agriberry Farm

Happy Sunday afternoon Farm Share members!


I see that you all did great with Harvie  last week, and we saw little to no swaps being asked about at market. I want to thank you all so much for making it easier for us here on the farm. It may seem like a small act, but it makes a HUGE difference for us.


This week, a standard share will consist of 1 clamshell of strawberries from our fields in Chesterfield, Virginia; 1 pint of blueberries from Macrie Brothers Farm in Hammonton, New Jersey; 1 pint of blackberries from our fields in Hanover, Virginia; and 1 quart of WHITE peaches from Saunders Brothers Farm in Piney River, Virginia. 


I know you all are excited to have peaches in the share again. I, too, am thrilled to be able to include peaches in shares. These are a summertime favorite, and I love hearing all the creative ways that you use your peaches.


I will keep this message short and sweet! Any and all questions and concerns can be directed to me at or my phone 302-668-9352


Keep calm and berry on! Stay cool! Stay Safe!


Berrily yours,

Shaina Pigliacampi