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Farm Happenings at AgriBerry Farm
Week 18
I was able to catch daughter-mother duo Alli & Nancy - harvesters and CSA members - together in the field this morning. Nancy is holding the share: yellow peaches, and plum medley from Marker-Miller orchard in Winchester VA, Gala apples from Aspers PA, and our red raspberries. Alli has been har1 read more »
Week 17: Featuring Asian Pears
We have Asian pears from Silver Creek Orchard in Nelson County VA in the shares this week. For those who are new to Asian pears: they stay crisp like an apple, but taste like a pear. They'll be somewhat green when you receive your share pears. Keep them in the refrigerator until they get dark yello1 read more »
Week 16: Hello HoneyCrisps! Fall berry pickers needed.
Apples are here! Chuck brought us HoneyCrisps from Adams County, Pennsylvania. He's also taken great care of the raspberries, which are now abundantly fruiting their second crop. The blackberry varieties are Chester and Black Magic. Many of our harvesters are heading back to school, but we'll still1 read more »
Week 15
Happy August! Today is Anne's birthday! She's an incredible inspiration for cultivating a life of vitality, and eating more berries. The share this week is triple berries, and peaches or nectarines - based on your preferences/customization. read more »