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Farm Happenings at Alstede Farms
Week 10 is Here!
Welcome to Week 10! This week we have plenty of blueberries, peas, lettuces, bunched onions, kale, spinach and more! Take a look at this week's offerings and let us know if you have any questions, our team is always happy to help! read more »
Week 9 Is Here!
Welcome to CSA Week 9! This week we have peas for the first time! You may receive shelling peas, snap peas, OR snow peas in your box. We also have more beautiful strawberries, broccoli, kohlrabi, kale, radishes, lettuces, mint... and more! Take a look at this week's offerings, and if you have any q1 read more »
Week 8 Is Here!
Welcome to Week 8! This week we have more beautiful strawberries!! Along with garlic scapes, lettuces, broccoli, kale, and this week's plants are lemon balm and lavender! Please let us know if you have any questions about this week's share contents or making any changes to your share, we're happy t1 read more »
Welcome to Week 7!
Week 7 has arrived! Welcome to our Heart of the Harvest members who are getting their first boxes this week! You will find your membership cards attached to this week's box. Your CSA membership card can be used at Pick Your Own check-in to receive free admission for you and your family, as well as1 read more »