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Farm Happenings at Angelic Organics Farm
Farmer John Writes: From Here to Where?
My dad occasionally said that if our family was delayed a few minutes in our departure, that maybe that delay caused us to avoid a terrible accident. Rudolf Steiner said pretty much the same thing; Steiner attributed this delay often to the grace of Christian Rosenkreuz. Continue reading. read more »
Farmer John Writes: From Mud to Dust
Our third week of harvest is underway. I am reminded of the of complexity of managing a CSA farm--the overlapping and sometimes conflicting rhythms of the many crops; the sharpness and quality of harvest knives; the size of the harvest totes; which harvest trailer to use; whether to transplant or w1 read more »
Farmer John Writes: From Mud to Dust
Our third week of harvest is underway. I am reminded of the of complexity of managing a CSA farm--the overlapping and sometimes conflicting rhythms of the many crops; the sharpness and quality of harvest knives; the size of the harvest totes; which harvest trailer to use; whether to transplant or w1 read more »
Farmer John Writes: A Rogue Bank
There are many banks today. Most of them are registered and subject to stringent regulations. Let me introduce you to the Weed Bank—rogue, unruly, unregulated (except by obscure laws of nature.) The weed bank is where weed seeds languish, sometimes for years, until conditions favor germi1 read more »
Farmer John Writes: When the Pavement Dries Fast
Welcome to our 2019 weather adventure–the wettest spring since Illinois started keeping records; hence our late start of your deliveries. In fact, it has been the wettest 12 consecutive months since Illinois started keeping records. Remarkably, our crops (your crops) overall look quite good;1 read more »