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Farm Happenings at Ashbourne Farms
Farm Happenings for December 4, 2019
This is the first the first week of the WINTER CSA!!! We are so excited for this season and happy that you decided to join us! We hopr that you enjoy the experience of eating fresh off the farm and trying new and different veggies (if you are new to CSA). Everything outside is dead and brown, but o1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 19, 2019
This is it. The last week of our Fall CSA and the final week of our regular 28 week CSA program. I have really enjoyed this growing season. We have tried a lot of new techniques for all kinds of various farming tasks. Some we will continue to use next year and some we now know do not work. Since sw1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 12, 2019
The season is almost over. This is the last week for Bi-Weekly shares and for everybody that signed up to receive a CSA share every week, you still have one more week to go! It's sad to see the season end, but it is awesome to know that this year's CSA program was record breaking!!!! We had a1 read more »