Hello folks, I hope this finds everyone doing well. I wanted to remind everyone that as the markets close for the season we will be moving to home delivery. As of now, the only markets that are still active are Woodstock on Tuesday and Edgebrook on Wednesday. If you have pickups at those markets this will be your last week to do so. If your pickup is normally at Elgin, North End, or Woodstock - Saturday you will receive your share delivered to your home beginning this week. If you have selected an On-Farm pickup then nothing changes for you, you will continue to pick up here at the farm.
Things are definitely winding down here. There is another early dusting of snow outside this year which is the kiss of death for all but the hardiest of crops. Things like kale and brussel sprouts can carry on but all the tender plants are pretty much done for the season. It's always bittersweet around this time of year. Although we look forward to more downtime and time spent with family indoors, there is a part of us that would like to just keep going. But like it or not the weather will always bring things to an end. So, here we are picking the last of the crops, putting them up in the cooler for storage, and putting the fields to bed for the winter.
We have fresh pasture-raised chicken available for sale as an add-on to your share. They are a flat price of $25 for an average 6# chicken. They are frozen whole and are awesome for roasting. These are limited so please get one or more now before they're gone. They are also great substitutions for turkey at Thanksgiving. We've been roasting a couple of chickens every year during the holidays and we absolutely love it!!
Stay safe and healthy!!