Farm Happenings at Cedar Crate Farm
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Winter Crops & the "Persephone Period"

Posted on October 17th, 2023 by Daniel Zimmerli

The first frost has passed and while the summer loving crops like peppers are done for the season our late season crops are coming along nicely. A lot of planning and patience goes into producing late fall/early winter crops and we're continuing to experiment with new methods and new crops.

One of the biggest tricks is making sure that our crops are 80-90% ready by approximately November 15th when we enter what's known as the "Persephone Period". The Persephone Period is a period of time during the winter where we have less than 10 hours of daylight per day and where basically all plant grown, even in a tunnel or greenhouse, stops. To plan for this period, we need to make sure our winter crops are around 80-90% mature by November 15th.

We have about a month to go until we enter the Persephone period and the weather has been fairly warm for October which aids greatly in plant growth so we anticipate having some good to great yields on our winter crops. Our winter spinach is nearly ready to harvest and we're starting to harvest some of our winter lettuce with multiple successive plantings on the way.

We're looking forward to sharing more about our winter crops with you in the coming weeks!