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Farm Happenings at Cedar Crate Farm
Transitioning Into Peak Season & Our Favorite Way to Use Kohlrabi
We got even more rain since our last newsletter which means our crops are just loving all the rain we’ve got and the farm is just exploding! We’re thankful for the additional rain and feel like the farm is looking really great. We’ve got some updates on the transition from our ear1 read more »
Much needed rain!
Much Needed Rain
After a extremely wet start to the year we’ve been enduring a bit of a dry spell here on the farm. In fact, we’ve seen a couple plantings of beets fail to germinate due to lack of moisture. We’ve even been running sprinklers on some crops to help speed them along.1 read more »
Nearly a decade of CSA!
The week we kicked off our 9th season of CSA! Thanks to all of you who have signed up for our CSA over the years and especially those who have returned year after year as our farm has grown. It's kind of hard to believe we've been doing this for almost 10 years now. A quick reminder that if you too1 read more »
Onboarding Staff, Infrastructure, Weeding and Planting
I could start every Farm Happening off with the phrase “It’s been busy on the farm” and this week is no different. We’ve been working on on boarding our new farm crew team for the past month while also attending some very busy Saturday farmers markets. We’ve also been1 read more »