Farm Happenings at Cedar Crate Farm
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Focus On The Good

Posted on June 24th, 2024 by Daniel Zimmerli

You should have already received an email from us regarding the hardship we're experiencing this season. So instead of re-iterating that I thought I'd focus on some things that are going well.


  1. CSA Member Support - so many our CSA members have already reached out on social media or email with kind words of encouragement and support. We truly appreciate it. It's good to know we have a solid base of support for our farm that really appreciate what we do.
  2. The Tomato Tunnel - this has been my (Dan) pet project so far this season and the results make me smile. The tomatoes are as tall as I am and that all have very good fruit set on them. We're expecting a good crop of tunnel tomatoes barring additional terrible weather.
  3. We're still at a point where we could recover - if we get a stretch of good weather we've got a ton of transplants to get out in the field including things like cabbage, green onions, broccoli, lettuce & more.
  4. Our Tunnels are Mostly Undamaged - aside from normal wind wear our tunnels have not been destroyed and they're protecting many of our crops like celery, peppers and tomatoes.
  5. We STILL have produce available - it may have more blemishes than we like but we still have a good selection of produce.
  6. The weeds are mostly under control - For the most part, the weeds on our farm are under control. We've been able to sneak in cultivation passes earlier in the season and our weed pressure while there is the least of our worries at the moment.

There are some bright spots even in our toughest year yet. We hope to have even more bright spots soon!