Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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First the Seed, Now the Harvest

Posted on May 15th, 2020 by Mike Finger

Hi, Friends:

We have had busy and energetic spring planting season.  Thank You for your membership in the farm. We are honored and delighted you have chosen us to grow delicious and healthy food for you.

Next up: Your first harvest!  Next Wednesday, May 20th will be your first farm share delivery day.
Here are important details for you to note, as well as a few small requests:

Please visit your member's profile page on the Harvie website.  If you haven't yet done so, you will need to set your password first.  Once in your member's page, you can do several useful and important things:

  • Set Your Preferences.  If you haven't yet done this, please do so prior to the 20th. Or, that is if you want your share to reflect the full customization benefit of the Harvie software.  If this seems like more bother than you want one approach is to rate only your most favorite crops and several of your least favorite ones, especially any you really don't ever want to receive.  The more items you do rate, the more selective the customization process will be for you. Link: "How Preferences Work"
  • Confirm your next harvest date and pick up site.
  • Check your account balance and make a payment if you wish.
  • Reschedule a future delivery

Once on your profile page you can also access Harvie University to read help documents for any of these actions. Of course, feel free to contact either the Harvie staff through their support page or us, your farmers, if you are stumped in your efforts to manage your share or access your profile page.

Please Confirm Your Account Balance.  The Harvie software is a tough business manager and will not let us deliver shares if your account balance is below the value of your next delivery.  Visit your profile page to make an online payment, or send a check to us (address below). If you are paying on the Harvie Payment Plan, your credit card on file will be automatically debited for your next 25% payment when your first box is delivered.

Your Box is Labelled Just For YOU.  Every member's box left at your pickup site will be labelled with the exact and specific name of the member for whom it is intended.  DO NOT TAKE THE FIRST BOX YOU ENCOUNTER ~ PLEASE!  TAKE ONLY THE BOX OR BOXES LABELLED WITH YOUR NAME!. We will separate shares by at your site by size ~ Small, Medium, and Large.  If you accidentally take a box labelled for another member ~ PLEASE RETURN IT TO THE SITE IMMEDIATELY and let us know you've done so.  Thanks VERY MUCH for giving special attention to this detail.

Covid and Your Share Pick Up: Throughout the growing, harvesting, packing, and delivery of your share we are taking precautions to protect your health, both from a general food safety aspect and specifically regarding Covid 19:

  • On the farm, we sanitize all food contact surfaces during the washing, processing, and packing stages. All working on the CSA packing and delivery will wear masks, use sanitizers or wear gloves, and not report to work if feeling ill.

      Grab and Go: We ask that when picking up your share you follow these procedures strictly:

  • Pick up your share and return to your car briskly without unpacking the box at the pick up station.  If you wish, you may unpack your share in your car and then leave the box (folded without bending or tearing, please) at your pickup station, or you can take home with you and return at your next delivery.
  • Observe good social distancing.  If another member is picking up when you arrive, please wait to enter the pick up area until the other member has left.  Please, no visiting in the immediate area of the pickup station.
  • Ultimately it is up to each of us individually to practice responsible hygiene and social distancing.  Our farm grown products, delivery boxes, and donated pickup spaces do not present significant Covid 19 exposure risks.  It's people to people contact (community spread) that is the most likely vehicle that'll make us sick, and which all of us need to manage as we see fit, according to our own particular health status and philosophy.

Further Communications:   In the days prior to your next delivery Harvie will automatically send you two confirmation emails, one Friday evening and the second on the Tuesday before Wednesday's delivery.

  • The first email on Friday will announce the list of crops in your coming harvest, including any add-on items (eggs, mushrooms, chicken, or pork) you've purchased or extra items you have selected, and will confirm your pick up day, time, and location.  It will also invite you to further customize your share if you wish by swapping items or selecting additional extra items.  This additional customization is entirely optional.  If you do nothing at this point, your share will be delivered Wednesday as shown in the first email. Link: "Swapping and Extras"
  • The second email on the Tuesday before Wednesday's delivery will confirm your share contents and delivery details.
  • Take a moment to read the "Happenings" note we'll write for each delivery confirmation that will give a brief farm update, and important notes and reminders.

Thank You for taking the time to read this note and for your support of our work. This season has offered us many new challenges, both technological and logistical, so thank you for your patience and understanding as we work out the bugs.

We are looking forward to sharing an abundant and delicious harvest with you.

Mike, Kim, and Crew
Cedarville Farm
3081 Goshen Rd.
Bellingham, WA  98226