Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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Farm Happenings for November 30th, 2023 (Thursday delivery)

Posted on November 24th, 2023 by Mike Finger

Hi, Friends.  The customization period for next THURSDAY'S  harvest (November 30TH) is now OPEN and will remain so until 9 a.m. Sunday morning.  If you'd like to change the crop list you currently have, or add other items or quantity, NOW is the time to do so.

The following items are available ONLY to those customizing their shares:  Eggs, Chicken, and Fresh Pasta.

Boxes: If you can, bring a bag, box, or container of your own when you pick up this week, and leave your box, folded w/ no mangling, at your pick up location.  Otherwise please return your box, or boxes, to your pick up site within the following week for us to gather up soon there after ~ Thank You!

Pick Up Site Hosts are amazing people! Thank you to our pick up site hosts for this season: Audra MacLain (Ferndale), Robin Rieck (Henry St.), Kerry Read (Saturna Capital), Betty Purtill (Douglas St), Rob Lopresti and Terri Weiner (Undine), Susan Marshall (Alabama / Vining St), and Sunny Beaver (Kulshan Brewing). Thank you to all of  these lovely people for making it possible to connect our fresh food with our members ~ we truly couldn't have and wouldn't have done it with out you! All of these folks are exemplary, but it's worth sending up special applause to Robin Rieck and Betty Purtill who hosted at their homes from the beginning of the program, some 28 yrs of generous support! Thanks to all these intrepid and generous people!

 This Week's Photo: Farmer's Mike and Kim in the hills. We thank you for your membership and support of Cedarville Farm and other local family farms. It has been a long run for us: 35 years of growing organic and fresh food for our community. It's been an honor to play a small part in promoting the health of our members and our community, and we've been touched continually by the kindness and generosity you've shown us.  We are excited to shift our focus from the nearly all consuming task of growing food to a broader life adventure of family, friends, travel, (home) gardening, volunteer work, and we shall see what else. We wish for each of you good health, the love of friends and family, and above all else, that peace, freedom, and justice will be present for you and for all with whom we share this jewel of a planet.

Thank You and Bless You,

Mike and Kim

Cedarville Farm