Hi, Friends:
Well, the summer to fall lever has definitely been pulled, a perfectly predictable event but one that always surprises us. Suddenly the crops we've almost taken for granted as prodigious summer producers are clearly folding their horticultural hands. And our newest planting of greens and other fall crops are growing for sure, but so much more slowly than was the case a month ago. Is this what accounts for the melancholy atmosphere of fall, this inevitable slowing and decline? We love it, of course, and are grateful to live in a place of seasonal change. Still, it is hard seeing the sweet fruits of summer fade and depart. So, the crew is adjusting their perspectives and pulling out the rain gear and replacing the water in their field thermoses with coffee. We are about a week away from harvesting our Winter Squash crop and we note the slow fattening of the Brussels Sprouts and the steady growth of Parsnip greens. One sign of fall's arrival we always greet with delight are the Coopers and Sharp Shinned hawks that are now darting over and at the edges of the fields in search of the small birds that are now gathering in mixed flocks around the farm.
We have posted a crop list of over 25 items with another 5 or so offered as for-purchase only extras, so you should have several choices for swapping and selecting extras.
This Week's Photo: A lug of Kohlrabi, one of the items available for selection. A cross of cabbage and turnips, Kohlrabi is a wonderfully crisp and slightly sweet vegetable that is wonderful raw w/ dips and dressings, but also roasts up deliciously w/ other root vegetables.
Boxes: Thanks to all of you who have been returning your share boxes to your pick up sites! This is a great help to us. Thanks, too, for folding them flat, without tearing the folds, when you bring them back to your pick up site.
Meat Shares are being delivered this week, so those of you who have purchased chicken or pork please be sure to pick up your orders along with your regular vegetable shares.
We hope you enjoy this week's harvest. Thank you for your membership.
Mike, Kim, and Crew