Farm Happenings at Cedarville Farm
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Farm Happenings for October 27, 2021

Posted on October 21st, 2021 by Mike Finger

NOTE:  You have until 11:30 p.m. Monday night to customize or amend your harvest list for this Wednesday's (10/27) delivery.


Greetings Friends:

We've listed nearly every crop we have available on the farm at the moment for this week's Harvie mediated harvest, plus a few other items from other local organic farms.  Harvie states that across all its participating farms 40 - 50% of members customize their shares each week (swaps and extra purchases). So, we think it's a good sign that for the last several weeks over 70% of Cedarville members have opted to customize or otherwise amend their harvest.  It certainly suggests you are an engaged and tech comfortable bunch!

Ashley, our bed prep specialist, spent a few afternoons last week preparing the beds for our 2022 Garlic crop.  We hope to push cloves into soil sometime over the next few weeks. And, we've been plugging holes in our deer fence with more gusto as these dainty herbivores have been showing an increasing interest in the bounty of the farm.

Thank You for returning your boxes to your pick up site.  This really helps us out.

We hope you enjoy this week's harvest.


Mike, Kim, and Crew

Cedarville Farm

Crops purchased from other local organic farms and food processors for this week's harvest:

*  Winter Squash: Crow's Farm, Mt. Vernon

* Carrots, Pumpkins: Hopewell Farm, Everson

* Kale, Chard, Broccoli, and winter squash: Boldly Grown Farm, Mt. Vernon

* Potatoes: First Cut Farm, Mt. Vernon

* Winter Squash: Hedlin Farms, Mt. Vernon

* Parsnips: Ralph's, Mt. Vernon

* Fresh Pasta: Bellingham Pasta

* Shiitake Mushrooms: Cascadia Mushroom Farm, Bellingham

* Eggs: Misty Meadows Farm, Everson