NOTE: You have until Monday evening, 10:30 p.m., to change or swap items or otherwise customize your share for this Wednesday's (11/10) delivery.
We've been impressed with the seesaw weather of late, from glorious sun and vibrant blue sky to the dreariest gray, wet, and cold one would dare contemplate. Through it all we are grateful for our work, this fecund and beautiful land that is our workshop, and you, our good members, who enjoy the products of our labors and in so doing support our craft. We dig in now for the home stretch, 5 more harvests with our final boxes going out on December 8th. Between our own crops and those we are purchasing from neighboring organic farms we expect to deliver to you a nicely varied harvest right up to the final box. Saying this, I'm running the risk of annoying the weather gods, who always reserve the option of sending us a gnarly cold snap at anytime, which would likely alter our crop list. For now forecasts are for typical chilly and wet NW weather, but no arctic blasts (as in temperatures below 15 degrees). Nonetheless, the first thing we do when we plant ourselves in the office each morning is to check the NOAA, Weather Channel, and AgWeathernet reports, all the while crossing our fingers hopefully. For the moment, all looks dreary, wet, and chilly (but not freezing), so we are reassured.
Thank You for your membership and support of local farms & other local businesses!
This Week's Photo: Two Cedarville crew patrol the brussels sprouts patch, in search of fat sprouts while soaking up a rare and abundant dose of fall sunshine.
Thanksgiving Week's Harvest will be made on TUESDAY, November 23rd, to accommodate the travel plans of our members.