NOTE: The customization period for this week's farm share delivery ends Sunday (tomorrow) night at 10:30 p.m. Delivery this week is on Wednesday.
Hi, Friends:
We enter our final two weeks of harvest for our farm share members, bracing ourselves for not one, but two, atmospheric river outflows heading our collective way. Surely one of the wettest falls we've experienced, and yet the temperatures have been mild and the winds, while robust, have stopped short of destructive. Even the rain, as abundant as it's been, has often fallen at night or on days when were weren't in the fields. This week, we may not be so lucky as the final wet outburst is forecast to hit us for most of Monday and Tuesday. We remain ever thankful for good rain gear, sturdy boots, and coffee...
Many of our farming friends in and around Everson continue to dig themselves out of the muck while adding up their, in too many cases, substantial losses. If you haven't yet done so, please consider making a donation to any of several funds set up to provide support to those hurt by the recent floods. We came through with only minor crop losses, despite being only 100 yards from the river and, at peak flow, entirely surrounded by flooding waters.
This week's photo: Ashley, Lauren, and Arden wrestle Brussels's Sprouts from gnarly stalks against a backdrop of serene fall colors.
Extra Items For Purchase this Week: Sugar Pie Pumpkin, Butternut Squash, Organic Eggs, Fresh Spinach Fettucine, and Fennel Root.